Ahead of the pack – To be more successful than the competition If we want to stay ahead of the pack, we’ll have to increase our marketing budget.
Back to square one – To start something over again because a previous attempt failed To make this software finally work, we have to go back to square one.
Ballpark number/figure – A very inexact estimate To give you a ballpark figure, how much the border wall to Mexico is going to cost, I’d say about 30 million dollars.
Big picture – Everything that is involved with a particular situation Working on all these details, we have lost sight of the big picture.
By the book – To do things exactly according to the rules or the law We told our auditors that we do everything by the book.
Corner the market – To dominate a particular market Amazon more or less corners the online retailing market.
Cut-throat – Very intense, aggressive, and merciless competition Competition in the food retailing business is cut-throat.
Easy come, easy go – Something gained easily is also lost easily I lost 500 Euros in a poker game last night, but that’s life – easy come, easy go.
Game plan – A strategy or plan for achieving success What is our game plan for dealing with our new competitor?
Get down to business – Stop making small talk and start talking about serious business topics Now that everyone’s here, let’s get down to business and start with the presentation.
Get something off the ground – To start something (e.g. a project or a business) Now that we have finished the planning phase, we’re eager the get the project off the ground.

Put all one’s eggs in one basket – to commit all your resources to a single idea or plan of action
Cut one’s losses – to stop an activity that is unsuccessful to avoid losing more money
Hands are tied – not able to act in a particular way because of external reasons
Off the top of your head – to speak about some something without thinking in detail or checking facts
Call it a day – to stop doing something (to leave work or do something else)
See eye to eye – to agree with another person
Work against the clock – to aim to finish something before a specific time
Go the extra mile – Companies benefit from staff who go the extra mile. to make More effort to achieve – something that is expected
Learn the ropes – to learn how to do specific tasks or activities in a company
Pull the plug – to stop a task or activity from continuing
All in the same boat – to be in the same difficult or unpleasant situation
Hot off the press – describes something that has just been released or printed
The buck stops here – emphasises who is ultimately responsible for something
The ball is in your court – emphasises who is responsible for making the next decision
Go down to the wire – Discussions went down to the wire, but we finally reached an agreement.

No strings attached – Something is given without involving special demands or limits They will let you try the product for free with no strings attached.
Not going to fly – Something isn’t expected to work out
On the same page –To be in agreement about something Let’s go over the contract details once more to make sure we’re on the same page.
Out in the open -Something that is public knowledge and not secret anymore
Put all one’s eggs – in one basket To rely on only one thing to bring success .
Rock the boat –To do or say something that will upset people or cause problems